
The Col­orado Con­nec­tion is not a norm­al ham club. We sur­vive on dona­tions to our 501(c)3 and the net­work is al­ways need­ing some­th­ing.

Your gener­ous dona­tions are tax de­duc­tible and are wel­come.

PayP­al Dona­tion link (click below).

Amazon stop­ped smil­ing! Ef­fective Feb 20, 2023, Amazon is dis­con­tinu­ing their Amazon Smile pro­gram. Over the few years, we got close to $800 in total con­tribu­tions from this pro­gram via you sign­ing up for us as your char­ity. Very sorry to see it go, it was a great near-zero ef­fort way to help charit­ies of any kind.

If you pre­f­er to mail a dona­tion (or just want to write us), our mail­ing address is:

Colorado Connection Repeaters, Inc.
PO Box 22134
Denver, CO 80222