Salida Machine Re-Linked

June 12, 2020

Salida mac­hine con­nec­tiv­ity is re­stored. The in­ter­connect­ing site at the Royal Gorge was re­stored to full ser­vice.

Durango very intermittent

May 19, 2020

The Duran­go re­peat­er has been in­ter­mittent for the past week. We know it is a link issue with the ISP we are using, but his­torical­ly it self-healed after a few days. It has not done so for at least a week now, so fear the ISP issue is not going to clear.

Grand Junction Back Online!

May 18, 2020

Thanks to Bill (W0BX) for mak­ing the trek to the site via moun­tain bike! Roads are still at least a month away from pass­able but ac­cessib­le via moun­tain bike (24 miles tak­ing 4 hours).

Thorodin Fully Operational!

May 3, 2020

We were able to “bor­row” a snow­cat and make it up to Thorodin ear­li­er than wait­ing for jeep ac­cess and re­pairs have been made. The Mt. Thorodin trans­mitt­er is back up to being fully op­eration­al!

Thorodin Interim Fix #2 (updated)

April 30, 2020

The tem­pora­ry trans­mitt­er on Lee Hill has been re-tuned to 145.310MHz, so now you can use your norm­al re­peat­er of­fset for this loc­a­tion. The “al­ter­nate” 145.430MHz is not avail­able. Co­verage is still not the same as the Thorodin trans­mitt­er, but now at least the “norm­al” frequen­cy.

Mt. Thorodin Transmitter Died!

April 29, 2020

We have a “not great, but bet­t­er than noth­ing” sol­u­tion, we are using a bac­kup trans­mitt­er on Lee Hill.

It trans­mits on 145.430MHz with an opt­ion­al 141.3Hz out­put tone.

This trans­mitt­er does NOT have frequen­cy paired re­ceiv­er, so you still need to trans­mit on 144.710MHz!

You can eith­er work split frequen­cies or have a very non-standard (-720Khz) of­fset whic­hev­er is eas­i­er for you and your radio.

This is a very tem­pora­ry and sub-optimal sol­u­tion. No need for sign­al re­ports, it isn’t going to be great.

Plans are under way to be ready to visit Mt. Thorodin hopeful­ly in about a month after a bit more snow melts.

What is the Colorado Connection?

March 28, 2020

The Col­orado Con­nec­tion is a statewide Amateur Radio sys­tem that was con­ceived and built to help all radio amateurs in Col­orado to bet­t­er com­municate. We use com­mer­ci­al qual­ity re­peat­ers and an­ten­nas to en­sure that the sys­tem is al­ways there.

Some of our sites are above 13000′ and are in a very brut­al en­viron­ment. These need ex­treme care and high qual­ity in­stal­la­tion focus to en­sure that these sites are al­ways there for you.

We know that you count on us and we’ve tried to do our best!

Grand Junction Down

March 27, 2020

The Grand Junc­tion mac­hine is un-linked. Un­for­tunate­ly it can­not be fixed re­mote­ly, it is going to re­quire a site visit.

Welcome to the Colorado Connection!

March 22, 2020

The Con­nec­tion’s web serv­er was hac­ked a co­u­ple of days ago, but the whole net­work is fine. We are try­ing to get th­ings re­stored as quick­ly as pos­sible. Please bear with us.

West Slope Repeaters Connected Digitally

December 29, 2019

With the help of Rocky Moun­tain Ham Radio, the net­work headed West through Col­orado was com­pleted and in­ter­connec­ted to Glen­wood Spr­ings and Grand Junc­tion. As of De­cemb­er 29, 2019, the link was com­plete­ly fin­is­hed and is now con­tinu­ous from De­nv­er through Grand Junc­tion!

This chan­ges the qual­ity of the audio and the re­liabil­ity of the con­nec­tion to the wes­tern slope. It’s no long­er re­liant on 70’s tech­nology with an­alog links and is eas­i­ly man­age­able re­mote­ly with sim­ple net­work man­age­ment tools.