New Repeater – Limon!

November 28, 2023

It has been up for sever­al weeks, just web­site up­dates were a bit de­layed.

147.375MHz +600KHz, stan­dard tones
Re­peat­er Page

November 2nd Special Net Controller

October 25, 2023

For the net Thursday Novemb­er 2nd, Doug K2AD will be the guest net con­troll­er

Temporary Net Schedule Change (edit)

October 25, 2023

(UP­DATE: The Net for the 8th/9th is back to Thursday) Note that the Thursday net for 16th will be on WED­NESDAY the 15th!! Will is out of range and Jeff has con­flicts for Thursdays, so feel it is bet­t­er to try a dif­ferent day than no net at all. Thanks Jeff!

Burlington Moved to 145.25

September 9, 2023

Doug Sharp, K2AD and Mark Skel­ton, N7CTM went to Bur­lington today and chan­ged the frequen­cy of the re­peat­er to 145.25 to al­leviate the con­flicts with the sys­tem in Col­orado Spr­ings. This should fix the is­sues we were see­ing!

Durango Fully Operational

August 29, 2023

We be­lieve we have a fully st­able link for the Duran­go mac­hine now! This one has been tri­cky, but qual­ity is now great.

Walden confirmed down

August 15, 2023

We have con­fir­med Wald­en is down. The PA ap­pears blown. Re­ceive is fine, but with­out a PA, not very use­ful. Hopeful­ly we can fix it be­fore snow flies.

Salida back up!

August 5, 2023

A two-fer today, we were fin­al­ly able to get to the Salida re­peat­er site and re­paired the re­peat­er.

Akron Repeater Replaced

August 5, 2023

We’ve rol­led out the new “Col­orado Con­nec­tion V3” re­peat­er at Akron and re­placed the old blown up GE Mastr III with one of our many new Motorola MTR-2000 high power re­peat­ers. The plan is to begin roll­ing these out to our most un­reli­able loc­a­tions as soon as pos­sible. Stay tuned for up­dates as they come.

Burlington back up

June 5, 2023

A work crew made it out to Bur­lington and it is now fully op­eration­al again. We’ve added a few pic­tures of the re­peat­er rack too.

Durango working again!

June 5, 2023

After being of­fline for a while, this mac­hine star­ted work­ing kinda again. We haven’t fixed it yet, but it has gone back to work­ing in­ter­mittent­ly.