Repeaters – Denver/Boulder

This re­peat­er on top of Mt. Thorodin is the hub of the Col­orado Con­nec­tion. Co­verage ex­tends to Cheyen­ne to the north, Monu­ment Hill to the south, al­most Akron to the east, in­clud­ing ex­ten­sive co­verage into the moun­tains to the west as well. In ad­di­tion to the re­ceiv­er on Mt. Thorodin, we have six more vot­ing re­ceiv­ers that furth­er ex­tent re­ceive range and sign­al qual­ity. You will not even know that you’re on a vot­ing sys­tem as it’s seam­less!

Re­gret­tab­ly we don’t have any re­cent pic­tures from this site, these are most­ly pre­tty old